Setting up your True Vine Online Email
Please follow the guide first. If you have trouble you can call for help. 252-562-9083

Apple Mail Setup

Below are instructions for setting up on our new system using Apple Mail.

1) First open up your Apple Mail. Then at the top left, click on Mail and then Preferences.

2) This will bring up the account preferences for your Apple Mail. Make sure its set to Accounts. It'll have a @ above the word "Accounts"

3) Select your email address on the left hand side. On the right hand side, that will show all the preferences for your email account. You'll need to change the following things:

   Incoming Mail Server:

   User Name: (Of course replace this with your own TVO email address!)

   Password: password (This is your password... not the word password!)

4) After you'll want to click on the tab marked "Advanced". Toward the bottom you'll notice something with the word Port and next to the number in the box, "Use SSL".

You will need to check that box. The number should change to "993" automatically upon checking it. If not, please change it to "993".

5) Go back to "Account Information. Toward the bottom you'll noticed "Outgoing Mail Server", Click drop down menu and click Edit SMTP Server List.

6) Select your SMTP server from the list, most times you'll just have one, if not, select the one marked "".

You'll need to change the Server Name to as shown above.

6) Then click on the Advanced tab. And you'll need to make sure of the following:

   Use default ports is selected

   Use Secure Sockets Layer(SSL) is checked off.

   Authentication for Password is selected

   User Name: course replace this with your own TVO email address!)

   Password: password(This is your password... not the word password!)

7) You can now close the "Accounts" window. You'll probably be prompted to save changes.

Please click on "Save" to save all the hard work!

Go ahead and check your email to make sure that you are up and running.

If you are still having trouble after this, please call us 252-562-9083.