Bones and Skeletal Tissues (Chapter 6)

  1. Functions of bones
  2. Classification of bones
    1. Long
    2. Short
    3. Flat
    4. Irregular
    5. Sesamoid
  3. Gross Anatomy
    1. Markings
      1. projections
      2. depressions & openings
      3. articular surfaces
    2. Types of Bone tissue
      1. Compact
      2. Spongy
        1. trabeculae
    3. Structure of a Typical Long bone
      1. diaphysis
      2. epiphyses
      3. articular cartilage
      4. periosteum
      5. medullary cavity
        1. yellow marrow
        2. red marrow
      6. endosteum
  4. Microscopic Anatomy
    1. Compact bone
      1. osteon
        1. lamella
      2. central (Haversian) canal
      3. perforating (Volkmann's) canals
      4. canaliculi
      5. lacunae
      6. osteocytes
    2. spongy Bone
  5. Bone Development
    1. Cells
      1. osteogenic cell
      2. osteoblasts
      3. osteocytes
      4. osteoclasts
      5. chondrocytes
    2. Ossification
      1. Intramembranous Ossification
        1. ossification center
          1. osteoid
      2. Endochondral Ossification
        1. perichondrium
        2. primary ossification center
        3. secondary ossification center
        4. epiphyseal plate
          1. proliferating zone
          2. closure of the epiphyses
            1. epiphyseal line
      3. modeling
  6. Remodeling
  7. Bone Repair
    1. fracture hematoma
    2. internal callus
    3. external callus