Bones and Skeletal Tissues (Chapter 6)
- Functions of bones
- Classification of bones
- Long
- Short
- Flat
- Irregular
- Sesamoid
- Gross Anatomy
- Markings
- projections
- depressions & openings
- articular surfaces
- Types of Bone tissue
- Compact
- Spongy
- trabeculae
- Structure of a Typical Long bone
- diaphysis
- epiphyses
- articular cartilage
- periosteum
- medullary cavity
- yellow marrow
- red marrow
- endosteum
- Microscopic Anatomy
- Compact bone
- osteon
- lamella
- central (Haversian) canal
- perforating (Volkmann's) canals
- canaliculi
- lacunae
- osteocytes
- spongy Bone
- Bone Development
- Cells
- osteogenic cell
- osteoblasts
- osteocytes
- osteoclasts
- chondrocytes
- Ossification
- Intramembranous Ossification
- ossification center
- osteoid
- Endochondral Ossification
- perichondrium
- primary ossification center
- secondary ossification center
- epiphyseal plate
- proliferating zone
- closure of the epiphyses
- epiphyseal line
- modeling
- Remodeling
- Bone Repair
- fracture hematoma
- internal callus
- external callus