Nervous System Chapter 12

  1. Functions
  2. Organization
    1. Central nervous system (CNS)
    2. Peripheral nervous system (PNS)
      1. Afferent (sensory) division
        1. somatic
        2. visceral afferent fibers
      2. Efferent (motor) division
        1. Somatic nervous system
        2. Autonomic nervous system
          1. Enteric nervous system
  3. Cells
    1. Neurons
      1. Cell body
      2. Processes
        1. dendrites
        2. axon
          1. nerve fiber
          2. axon hillock
          3. telodendrion, terminal branches
  4. Pathway Overview
    1. Sensation (afferent) neuron
      1. action potential
    2. Integration or Association Neurons
      1. cerebral cortex
    3. Response neurons
  5. Neuroglia = glial cells
    1. Astrocytes
    2. Microglia
    3. Ependymal cells
      1. blood brain barrier (bbb)
    4. Oligodendrocytes
      1. myelin sheaths
    5. Satellite cells
    6. Schwann cells
      1. Nodes of Ranvier
      2. myelin
        1. white matter
        • tract
        • nerve
        1. grey matter
        • nucleus
        • ganglionNeurophysiology
    7. Resting membrane potential
      1. Polarized
      2. Membrane potential = Volt
        1. resting potential
    8. The Impulse or Signal Initiation
      1. Depolarization
      2. Repolarization
    9. Refractory period
    10. Impulse Transmission / Propagation
      1. wave of depolarization
      2. wave of repolarization
      3. action potential
    11. Continuous conduction
    12. Saltatory conduction
      1. nodes of Ranvier
  6. Properties
    1. Threshold
    2. Accommodation
  7. Classification of Neurons
    1. Structural
      1. Multipolar
      2. Bipolar
      3. Unipolar
        1. distal process
        2. central process
    2. Functional
      1. Sensory (afferent) neurons
      2. Motor (efferent) neurons
      3. Interneurons (association) neurons
  8. Synapse
    1. Synaptic cleft
    2. Presynaptic neuron
    3. Synaptic knob
    4. Postsynaptic neuron
    5. Functioning
    6. Notes:
      1. One-way
      2. Chemical 'attack' point
  9. Classification of Neurotransmitters
    1. Structure
      1. Acetylcholine
      2. Biogenic amines
      3. Amino acids
      4. Peptides = neuropeptides
      5. Novel Messengers
    2. Function
      1. Effects
        1. Excitatory
        2. Inhibitory
      2. Mechanism of Action
        1. Direct
        2. Indirect
          1. second messenger