Glycolysis of other hexoses
- Regulation Overview
- Starch Catalysis
- glycans
- heteropolysaccharides
- homopolysaccharides
- Functions
- Glycogen
- Starch
- Structure
- Catalysis
- Other Monosaccharide Entry
- Fructose
- fructose 1-Phosphate pathway
- fructose -> F 1-P
- enzyme = fructokinase
- F 1-P -> glyceraldehyde + DHAP
- enzyme = fructose 1-phosphate aldolase
- Glyceraldehyde -> G 3-P
- enzyme = triose kinase
- Galactose
- galactose-glucose interconversion pathway
- galactose -> gal 1-P
- enzyme = galactokinase
- Gal 1-P -> glucose 1-P
- enzyme = galactose 1-phosphouridylyltransferase
- UDP-galactose and glucose 1-phosphate
- Glu 1-P -> G 6-P
- enzyme = phosphoglucomutase
- UDP galactose -> UDP-glucose
- enzyme = UDP-glucose 4-epimerase
- galactosemia
- lactose intolerance
- Mannose