The Control of Microbial Growth Chapter 9 I. Terminology A. Sterilization B. Disinfection a. disinfectant C. Sanitization / Decontamination D. Antisepsis / Degerming a. antiseptic E. -cide F. -static or -stasis G. Sepsis H. Asepsis II. Rate of Death A. Factors III. Methods of Physical Control A. Heat 1. moist heat a. boiling b. autoclave c. pasteurization a) Classic = LTLT b) HTST c) UHT 2. dry heat B. Filtration C. Low Temp D. Dessication 1. lyophilization E. Osmotic Pressure F. Radiation 1) thymine dimers G. Types of Disinfectants 1. phenol a. phenolics b. bisphenols 2. halogens a. iodine 1) tincture 2) iodophor b. chlorine 3. alcohols 4. heavy metals 5. surfactants a. soaps and detergents b. anionic detergents c. cationic detergents - Quats 6. organic acids 7. antibiotics 8. aldehydes 9. gaseous sterilants 10. plasmas 11. oxidizing agents a. peroxygens 12. commercial sterilization