Microbial Genetics Chapter 8
  1. Overview
    1. Genome
    2. Chromosome
    3. Gene
      1. functional units
        1. mRNA
        2. tRNA
        3. rRNA
        4. others
    4. Central dogma of molecular biology
    5. Genotype
    6. Phenotype
  2. DNA
    1. Location
    2. Structure review
      1. nucleotide
        1. deoxyribose
        2. phosphate group
        3. base
      2. double helix
        1. complementary base paring
    3. Strand orientation
      1. antiparallel
    4. Replication
      1. helicase
      2. DNA polymerase
      3. bidirectional
      4. DNA ligase
      5. semiconservative replication
      6. accuracy
  3. Gene Expression
    1. Transcription
      1. RNA review
      1. Steps of Transcription
        1. Initiation
          1. RNA polymerase
            1. promoter
        2. Elongation
        3. Termination
          1. terminator
      2. Differences
        1. gene organization
          1. operon
          2. polycistronic
        2. locationTranslation
      3. components
      4. mRNA
      5. Ribosomes
      6. tRNA
        1. folding
          1. cloverleaf
        2. charging
      7. Genetic code
        1. codons
        2. anticodon
      8. Steps of Translation
        1. Initiation
          1. ribosome-binding site
          2. AUG
        2. Elongation
          1. P-site and the A-site
          2. E-site
        3. Termination
          1. stop codon
          2. UGA, UAG, UAA
  4. Genetic Recombination
    1. Conjugation
      1. F factor
    2. Transformation
      1. Frederick Griffith
    3. Transduction
    4. Transposons
      1. Barbara McClintock
  5. Mutation
    1. Types
      1. point mutation
        1. silent
        2. neutral
        3. missense
        4. nonsense
      2. frameshift
    2. Causes
      1. spontaneous
      2. induced
        1. mutagens
    3. Repair
  6. Genetic Engineering = Recombinant DNA Technology
    1. Manipulating genes
    2. Restriction enzymes
      1. ligase
    3. PCR
      1. Components
      2. Uses