Introduction to Microbes Chapter 1a
- Background
- Microbiology
- Microbes = Microorganisms
- Microbes and the Planet
- bioremediation
- Cause disease
- pathogenic
- infectious disease
- nonpathogenic
- Classifying Microorganisms
- Classification
- Domain
- Bacteria
- Archaea
- Eukarya
- Classify by cell type
- Prokaryotes
- Eukaryotes
- organelles
- Viruses
- Naming Microorganisms
- Nomenclature
- binomial
- genus
- species
- writing rules
- A Brief History of Microbiology
- Spontaneous Generation
- Francesco Redi
- Louis Pasteur
- John Tyndall & Ferdinand Cohn
- endospores
- Microscopy
- Robert Hooke
- cells
- Anton Van Leeuwenhoek
- Applications of Germ Theory - Medical Microbiology
- Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes
- Dr. Ignaz Semmelevies
- Joseph Lister
- aseptic techniques
- Pasteur
- pasteurization
- Robert Koch
- Koch's Postulates
- Vaccination
- Edward Jenner
- Pasteur
- Sources of vaccines
- attenuated
- killed
- recombinant DNA techniquesTreatments
- Paul Ehrlich
- Sulfonamides
- Alexander Fleming
- Antibiotic