Introduction to Microbes Chapter 1a
  1. Background
    1. Microbiology
    2. Microbes = Microorganisms
    3. Microbes and the Planet
      1. bioremediation
      1. Cause disease
        1. pathogenic
          1. infectious disease
        2. nonpathogenic
  2. Classifying Microorganisms
    1. Classification
      1. Domain
        1. Bacteria
        2. Archaea
        3. Eukarya
    2. Classify by cell type
      1. Prokaryotes
      2. Eukaryotes
        1. organelles
    3. Viruses
  3. Naming Microorganisms
    1. Nomenclature
      1. binomial
        1. genus
        2. species
        3. writing rules
  4. A Brief History of Microbiology
    1. Spontaneous Generation
      1. Francesco Redi
      2. Louis Pasteur
      3. John Tyndall & Ferdinand Cohn
        1. endospores
    2. Microscopy
      1. Robert Hooke
        1. cells
      2. Anton Van Leeuwenhoek
    3. Applications of Germ Theory - Medical Microbiology
      1. Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes
      2. Dr. Ignaz Semmelevies
      3. Joseph Lister
        1. aseptic techniques
      4. Pasteur
        1. pasteurization
      5. Robert Koch
        1. Koch's Postulates
      6. Vaccination
        1. Edward Jenner
        2. Pasteur
        3. Sources of vaccines
          1. attenuated
          2. killed
          3. recombinant DNA techniquesTreatments
      7. Paul Ehrlich
      8. Sulfonamides
      9. Alexander Fleming
      10. Antibiotic