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The First Christians (PBS FRONTLINE)

Some will find fault with the ideas and some of the findings in this piece, a scientific and archeological study of the life of Jesus and the growth of Christianity.  However others will agree with Harold W. Attridge (The Lillian Claus Professor of New Testament Yale Divinity School) who said "I would see the the enterprise of critical theology, critical historical theology, as a way of deepening faith. And, certainly, it can be an intellectual tradition that's challenging.  It's challenging, I think, to an  inadequate faith, however. And someone who  engages in the kind of enterprise that critical historical scholarship engages in can in fact, deepen and broaden their faith." 

This site is anchored by the testimony of New Testament theologians, archaeologists and historians who serve as both critics and storytellers. They address dozens of key issues, disagreements and critical problems relating to Jesus' life and the evolution of Christianity. Throughout the site, maps, charts (for example, the fortress of Masada), ancient texts (including Perpetua's diary), pictures of the archaeological discoveries, ancient imagery, and audio excerpts from the television program complement and illuminate the scholars' commentary

True Vine Online provides this link (and all other links) without endorsement.


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American Society of Church History -
(for scholarly study of Christianity and American culture): Features organizational information, links, bulletin board.
Concordia Historical Institute -
Department of Archives and History of the Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod: large archive of artifacts and information on American Lutheranism. Online catalog, more.
Christian History Magazine -
(Covers 2,000 years of church history) weekly articles from the printed magazine; archives; links; subscription info.
Internet Ancient History Sourcebook: Christian Origins Proto-Pentecostal Time Line -
Events that led to the birth of Pentecostalism.
Religion in Victorian Great Britain -
(course syllabus and readings) (hosted by Brown University)
Anabaptist-Mennonite History -
Anabaptists: Anabaptist-Mennonite history excerpts and links.
Southern Baptist Historical Society -
preserving and teaching Baptist heritage
Thomas Hooker -
Biographical sketch; selections from "The Soul’s Preparation for Christ" and "The Christian’s Two Chief Lessons."
Baptist History Bibliography -
Excellent listing of Baptist history resources.
Fire and Ice: Puritan History and Biography -
Books and articles by and about notable Puritans.
Rev Elhanan Winchester, Patriot/Preacher -
(Revolutionary War era) Sample writings: patriotic and religious.
Founder's Journal -
devoted to the Calvinistic dimension of Baptist history
Charter of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary -
Abstract of Principles of The SBTS, Louisville, KY
Baptist History Resources -
from the Baptist Observer
The Episcopate in the Kingdom of León in the Twelfth Century
 Full text online of 1978 book by Richard A. Fletcher. (PDF format)
Independent, Fundamentalist Baptist History -
a brief survey
Southern Baptist Historical Library and Archives -
SBC historical agency
A History of the General Councils -
Essays on each of the 20 General Councils, dating from Nicaea in 325 to the Vatican in 1870.
Sketches of Church History -
Covers the early Eastern church, then the Western through the Reformation.
Christian Classics Ethereal Library   -
Numerous classical Christian texts in electronic format, sponsored by Calvin College.
THE ACTS OF THE MARTYR HABIB  Byzantine and Medieval Web Links Early Church Fathers -
[improved!] hosted by CCEL
Fathers of the Church -
An extensive compilation of councils, synods, canons, and writings of the Fathers.
  • St. Pachomius Library -
  • Large and growing archive, more links; (Eastern Orthodox sponsors; always seeking volunteer scribes)
  • Catholic Encyclopedia: The Reformation -
    A sharply critical look at the causes, spread, forms, and results of the Reformation, from the 1913 Catholic Encyclopedia.
    The Protestant Reformation -
    Links to primary Reformation texts. Compiled by the Hanover College History Department
    The Reformation -
    A series of introductory articles by Dr. Ellis L. Knox of Boise State University.
    The Reformation Guide -
    A detailed, well-organized links page
    Restoration History -
    Includes the less known people and movements within the Restoration Movement, women of the movement, leader grave sites, meeting houses, and a series of lessons on the Restoration.
    Traces Of The Kingdom -
    History of the Churches of Christ in Britain and Europe before the American Restoration Movement.
    The Congregational Church in Newfoundland -
    An illustrated history of this church.
    The Congregational Way -
    History posted by the National Association of Congregational Christian Churches.
    Congregationalism -
    The successful establishment of the New England colonies was an event of the utmost importance in the development of Congregationalism, a term preferred by the American Puritans to Independency and gradually adopted by their coreligionists in Great Britain
    The Saga Of The Pilgrims -
    History of the Pilgrims who carried Congregationalism to the United States
    Lutheran Historical Conference -
    Organization fosters effective cooperation among persons and institutions concerned with research, documentation and preservation of the resources revealing experiences of Lutheranism in North America.
    Zion Lutheran Church of Helotes -
    History of this Texas landmark.
    All the Divisions in American Methodism -
    All the divisions of the Methodist Church that existed in 1923 and 1937 with links to historical material, definitions, and existing denominations.
    United Methodist History -
    Links to many original John Wesley documents from the General Board of Global Ministries and other historical materials.
    Whitefield And Calvinistic Methodism -
    The life and background of George Whitefield and the Calvinistic Methodism's influence on England and Wales following Whitefield's death.
    Azusa Street Time Line -
    A timeline description of Pentecostalism's birth at Azusa Mission in Los Angeles.
    North American Presbyterian and Reformed Council -
    A statement of the beliefs of this council, links to websites of the six member denominations and links to lists of congregations in those denominations.
    Divining America -
    Essays, teaching suggestions, and questions and answers for secondary school teachers teaching religious aspects of American history (from the National Humanities Center).
    Documenting the American South:
    The Church in the Southern Black Community. -
    Collection of e-texts and scholarly references.
    Thomas Hooker -
    Biographical sketch; selections from "The Soul's Preparation for Christ" and "The Christian's Two Chief Lessons."
    United Methodist Church, Archives and History -
    Official archives. Also includes suggestions for other church bodies studying or archiving historical data.
    The Tredways: Church History Timelines -
    Major events shown in two timelines: ancient and medieval, reformation and modern.
    Christian History Institute -
    Christian history educational resources.
    Overview of Late Antiquity -
    Includes several articles on Christianity in the 4th-7th centuries; many articles on the historical and religious background.
    The Wesleys (John, Charles, Susanna) and Their Times -
    Loads of material, primary and secondary sources.
    1. Church History -

      Church History - Concise summary showing much is to be gleaned from the events between the time of the apostles and the present.

    1. American Society of Church History

      The central purpose of the American Society of Church History (ASCH), founded in 1888, is the scholarly study of the history of Christianity and its relationship to ...


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