It's now easier to protect your family
against Internet pornography and access to other
dangerous sites. Adult Site Blocker for Android is an
important tool for accomplishing that goal. The True
Vine Android Browser replaces the browser that came on
the device and blocks adult sites. You will have
remote control over what is allowed or blocked on our
Adult Site Blocker For Android. Block or allow sites
from your desktop or laptop computer. No need to have
the Android phone in your hand.
Protect your family by signing up today. The first 30
days are free so there is no risk.
Our Adult Site Blocker For Android
Is Accurate
It's important that the filter you choose is as
accurate as possible. Our Adult Site Blocker For
Android balances blocking an extremely high percentage
of the bad sites with minimal false blocking of
innocent legitimate sites. We know you'll be happy
with the results. Because the Adult Site Blocker For
Android "talks to" our filtering server it's always up
to date.